Written from a point of view of each character, by a different writer, this story explores a strange phenomenon. What if you could remove all features off your face? What if you were tricked into harvesting these features for others’ enjoyment?
Blank is a dark story about human relations, attraction, and obsession with the looks.
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Narrator: Valerie Bogart
Valerie Bogart is often characterized as a Girl Friday in the realm of creative production. After earning her degree in Interior Design, she launched her career as a graphic designer, moonlighting in such endeavors as custom illustration, photojournalism, and community theater. While performing on stage is her first love, she has recently taken a shine to voice acting, as it allows her the opportunity to embrace two of her most favorite things - bringing stories to life and wearing yoga pants.
Her first gig as a voice actor was in a kindergarten classroom, but she has since expanded into an industry with fewer critics.
When she’s not in the studio, you can find her in a library doing genealogical research, bingeing true crime documentaries, or traveling to third world countries on mission trips. Valerie is a vegan and lives in Ohio with her cat, five daughters, two labradors, and one husband.