This is the first trailer to Season Two of Pi_Rational Stories, titled "The Bathtub" which will be available on January 14th, 2020. You can hear it on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher & everywhere else podcasts can be listened.
This is the second trailer to Season Two of Pi_Rational Stories, titled "The Bathtub" which will be available on January 14th, 2020. You can hear it on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher & everywhere else podcasts can be listened.
Recent Episodes
Episode 1: The House on Cutter Hill
In The House on Cutter Hill, we are introduced to Richard, a temporary worker who moves to a small town for a job. He rents a run-down apartment in an old building, a former insane asylum. There, he meets his eccentric neighbors, a brother, and sister, who tell him they are the only two tenants. Yet Richard does not think so.
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Episode 2: The Pacing Above
The mystery of the House on Cutter Hill and it's inhabitants continues. There is something unnerving lurking in Richard's apartment, specifically the bathroom and more specifically, under the bathtub. If that wasn't bad enough, Richard’s sanity is put to the test thanks to his bizarre neighbors and the frustratingly deliberate pacing of the person living above him. Back and forth...back and forth...
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Episode 3: Let’s Be Frank (Penultimate Episode)
Let's be Frank. Back and forth, back and forth...the pacing above continues. Richard is becoming more and more unhinged. He finally gets a look into the apartment above him - and into the darkness beneath.
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Episode 4: The Underneath (Final Episode)
Richard's sanity is cracking and the allure to delve into the darkness under the bathtub has fully consumed him.
Apple // Spotify // Google // Spreaker // iHeartRadio